Private Lives a comedic tête-à-tête
Last night, I ventured out from underneath my textbooks to take in NLT's production of Private Lives. I arrived not knowing what the play was about or having any expectations, but all in all, I later discovered that my ignorance was a good thing. When I hear positive comments about a play, I'm usually disappointed at the end, and when I hear bad accounts, well, my preconceived notions typically take over. Anyway, the play, from my perspective, was a success, mostly because I saw it for what it was. There's not a whole lot of depth to it, but the lack of intellectual stimulation definitely was counterbalanced by some subtle and ingenious stage shenanigans. The story basically revolves around Elliot and Amanda, a divorced couple that remarries but inevitably runs into each other--during their respective honeymoons--and falls back in love (sorta). Throughout the play, they fight (physically and verbally), but at the same time, cannot keep their hands off of each other. Oh, the joys of relationships! Private Lives doesn't overdo it with the bickering or the breaking of the fourth wall (which, in my opinion, parallels the sort of facade love can take on), and therefore results in a production definitely worth checking out.
At 9:45 PM, Prus said…
It sounds like you ate a thesaurus there Ashy. :P
At 11:56 PM, Ashy said…
Thanks, Rossy. What can I say? I'm just an eloquent gal ;)
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